This exhibition in 2011 was a 31 year survey of Pat's work, starting with her first solo art show at the Hamilton Artists' Inc. See more about Pat's work in the 80's and 90's on the Building Cultural Legacies Hamilton site..
Most of Pat's artwork has been based on Baba Link Farm and the near landscape - like this nocturnal painting of a large Black Walnut tree in the centre of the farm. More about that is listed in the Hamilton Arts & Letters The Final Edition, specifically in the article Home is Land with images for the article in Portfolio Baba Link Farm .
Organic, biodiverse farming has changed Pat's approach to art:
"In observing, learning from, and working with nature; the symbolic seems more true or real then any representational image can be. The symbolic form I am drawn to is Ukrainian folk art. It is part of my land based heritage. It is an old art form, but not a static one. It allows me to create symbols that are authentic to my experience with this land."