This land is on the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation territory as well as the traditional lands of the Haudenosaunee and Neutral peoples.
All our fresh produce has been certified organic since 2008 and is currently certified by CSI.
3 orchards combine tree fruit with small fruits, herbs, flowers, and native plants.
We strive to find a balance of hands-on and hands-off – allowing nature to provide some of the plants in her own good time.
Most of the soil is under permanent ground cover, with a few strips within the orchards cultivated for annuals.
We use on- farm, plant based mulches for soil and plant health as well as moisture retention.
There is a mature hedgerow that spans the north side of the farm, as well as a few hedgerow “pockets” between the orchards. In 2016 we started placing more native trees, shrubs and plants around and within the orchards. We believe abundant biodiversity strengthens the health and productivity of the fruit producing trees and shrubs.
Alex and Betty Kozowyk started farming in Flamborough in 1953. Their farm was a mix of cattle, chickens, pasture, hay fields, raspberries, vegetables for the family, and flowers for beauty and the hummingbirds. A few acres of the provincially significant, Flamborough Centre Swamp was also included in the farm.
In 2002 Pat Kozowyk, Ernst von der Kall and their daughter Briar von der Kall moved into the old farm house and started to work a 10 acre portion of the farm. They named it Baba Link Farm, in memory of Pat’s mother, “Baba” Betty. Baba is Ukrainian for Grandmother.
The logo for the farm is based on an Ukrainian folk art design, and is a little like the Bobolink birds that sang all summer in the pasture.
Baba Link Farm is situated where Betty grew excellent raspberries, which she grew without pesticides or chemical fertilizers. She was organic, years before organic standards came into being.
Alex Kozowyk quietly smiled, occasionally shook his head at some of Pat’s experimental ideas for the farm, but always offered a tremendous amount of support and expertise.
Both Alex and Betty are dearly missed and remembered daily on this beautiful piece of land.
Apple: By Chance, Calville Blanc d'Hiver, Irish Peach, Golden Nugget, Melrose, Nova Spy, Smokehouse, Tumanga, Wismer's Dessert, Wolf River.
Blackberries Illini Hardy.
Sour Cherries
Currants Black, Pink, Red and White
Gooseberries Black Velvet, Captivator, Hinnomaki Red, Invicta, Jahns Prairie, Pixwell, Poorman Pink.
Grape Wild
Haskaps & Honeyberries Berry Blue, Blue Belle, Borealis,Cinderella,Svetlana,Tundra.
Mulberry Capsrum, Illinois Everbearing. Red.
Pear (Asian) Hayatama, Kenko, Taylor Apple Pear.
Pear (European) Gifford, Golden Harvest, Golden Spice, Louise Bonne, Moonglow, Seckel, Sierra, Summer Crisp, Winter Nellis.
Plum Burbank, Damask, Green Gage, Toka.
Raspberries Canby, Cuthbert Improved, Kiwi Gold, Polka, Wild Black.
Rhubarb Canada Red, German Wine, MacDonald, Valentine, Victoria.
Saskatoons Honeywood, Martin, Northline.
Ground Cherry Aunt Molly
Tomato, Cosmonaut Volkov, Coyote, Matt's Wild
Green Garlic and Garlic Scapes
Lemon Balm
Mints: Apple, Candy, Peppermint, Swiss.
Parsley: Curly and Flat Leaf
Sage: Common
Sorrel: Garden and Wood Sorrel
Stinging Nettle
Sweet Cicely
Black Currant Leaf
Lemon Balm & Mints
Mulberry Leaf
Stinging Nettle
Wild Blackberry & Raspberry Leaf
Wild Strawberry Leaf
Eastern Redbud Blossom
Lemon and Tangerine Gem Marigold
Rose Petals
Zucchini Blossom
Seasonal selections of native, non-native, herb, annual and perennial plants.
Flowers are an important part of the farm, for plant biodiversity and pollinator health.
Inter-planted with vegetables, some flowers also deter deer browsing.
Jerusalem Artichokes
Good King Henry
Beans, Beets, Greens,
Pumpkin, Radish, Squash
Our preserves start with our organic fruit or our organic flowers. Each batch is very small, varying with the seasons and the growing conditions of the year.
The preserves available for 2024 include Raspberry, Blackberry, Pear and sugar free thick applesauce.
To order and for more info:
Please note that although our ingredients are organic we have not applied for organic certification for our preserves since our production is so small.